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Avoiding These Could Be Harmful

Are you avoiding carbohydrates? If yes, you could actually be harming your health. No and low-carb

diets are becoming increasingly popular. These diets require people eat to primarily meat and

vegetables, limited fruit, and very low carbohydrates.

Here are my concerns:

1. Whole grains and other “quality” carbohydrates are an essential part of a balanced diet for most people. Quality carbohydrates produce glycogen and provide the body needed energy.

Depriving the body of glycogen can cause a major upset in the balance of your insulin levels and

create diabetes or other insulin-related diseases.

2. Animal protein may not be the best food for you. I'm NOT a vegetarian; so don't think I'm trying

to convince you to be one. However, every person is different, and your body may not

appropriately digest animal protein, which can create a build-up of uric acid in the body. Too

much uric acid can cause gout, kidney stones and failure, and heart disease. Undigested protein

can also create digestive disorders like leaky gut, irritable bowl, and colitis.

3. You may have difficulty consuming enough calories; and low-calorie diets can backfire. Your

body may realize it is starving and store the food you eat as fat, so that it has something to draw

from later.

4. Deprivation of any kind can create cravings, causing an emotional roller coaster and possible

binge eating. You may find that, instead of grains and potatoes, you’re eating candy, which is

completely counter-productive.

Please remember, we moved away from the “cave man” diet thousands of years ago when we started

living off the land instead of relying on animals for food. The human body has evolved considerably since that time. We have different enzymes and different needs for food than we did in the cave man days. Nevertheless, some people do better with animal protein than plant-based and vice versa. It is

important to understand what YOUR body thrives on.

If you would like more information about how you can adopt a healthier diet and lifestyle, please feel free to schedule a complimentary Wellness Discovery Session with me at

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